My Luck :)
Till now I had been wishing luck to others only. Today I am wishing myself. Enuff of the pains and defeats. I want to win now….at ny cost. Let the people die…I don’t care. Now I won’t think of the rest of world first. Now for me I am more important than others. Let there be more of blasts or accidents. I want my good luck back. Give me what I wish to. U see my pains and my losses and laugh…now it’s my turn. I want to laugh like before and enjoy my life. It’s too much now. Friends have come, and friends have gone. I stand, I stand still alone. Many promises made, and many broken. Many dreams shown, and many shaken. Its enuff, too much for me to handle. All I want, is my dreams to be fulfilled. I want to live a normal life, filled with joy and success. Too many failures, and too many pains For me to assess. Let these pains go to rest of world. Let them know the heat I face. Then I would be joyous, And happily pass my days. And if U think, I am selfish Think…think of those hurting me and ...