
Showing posts from May, 2009

Public Display of Affection (PDA)

"I mean I really don't understand why do a married couple need a sanction from the rest of the world to share a kiss in public????" (This was written in other person's post and below is my reply) for this point of yours, I think Sarath has very beautifully explained what I wanted to say. (his reply was..) "i agree with most of ur points over here except a few ...... the main point itself [showing public affection].... Lets leave the case of these shits RamSena or whoever it is who have no basic idea but to create a hype over these things and come over in the news.... But my point is we Indians have a tradition which does neither oppose the principle of public affection nor support that .... The tradition has come from within the society where our affections are confined to our homes .... I don't say its a crime but showing affection by hugging might be the upper limit rather than going for the kissing" (here continues my reply) Displaying our affection f...